Noroxydiff is designed for killing
Clostridium difficile (C. diff)
spores on surfaces in hospitals

Effective against …
Influenza A
Klebsiella Pneumonia
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Acinetobacter Baumannii
Multi-drug resistant organisms
- Designed for healthcare non-critical hard non-porous surfaces
- Color safe, Noroxydiff does not contain bleach, will not stain, and does not damage furnishing, equipment or clothing.
- Tough on germs, easy on surfaces. Good for use with microfiber cloths.
- Is a heavy-duty disinfectant cleaner that disinfects and deodorizes in one labor saving step when used according to disinfection directions.

Operating Rooms (ORs)
Intensive Care Units (ICUs) Areas
Waiting Rooms
Dental Offices
Food Service Establishments
Cruise Ships
Pet Shop

How do you pronounce Noroxydiff?
Is Noroxydiff EPA Registered?
Yes. EPA Number 91628-5-92089.
Is Noroxydiff registered to kill C.diff spores?
Yes. Noroxydifff is registered to kill C.diff spores at a concentration level of 4 ozs. per one Gallon of water at a Contact Time of 2 Minutes.
What other pathogens does Noroxydiff kill?
Noroxydiff has one of the most impressive lists of pathogens it is effective against including: Norovirus, MRSA, VRE, CRE, HBV, HIV, Influenza A:H1N1, E.Coli, Salmonella, Klebsiella Pneumonia, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Acinetobacter Baumannii, Multi-drug resistant Bacteria, Other Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi.
What are the Active Ingredients in Noroxydiff?
Hydrogen Peroxide 27.3%, Peroxycetic Acid 5.9%, & Other ingredients 66.8% Noroxydiff does not contain Bleach, Ammonia, or Phosphates. Noroxydiff is an effective bactericide and virucidal disinfectant in the presence of 5% blood serum.
Is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required when using Noroxydiff in its in-use, ready-to-use configuration?
No. However, PreVasive recommends Safety Glasses be worn if the ready-to-use formulation is going to be applied with a mechanical spray device.
How is Noroxydiff applied?
According to the Master Registration, the in-use, ready-to-use formulation can be applied with a clean cloth, sponge, mop, trigger or mechanical spray device ((hand pump) coarse pump or trigger spray device). Noroxydiff leaves no visible residue, evaporates completely, no rinsing is required, and the formula is clear drying.
Can Noroxydiff be applied on any surface?
Noroxydiff can be safely applied on most surfaces typically encountered in a healthcare environment without the threat of bleaching or corrosion. It can be used in Operating Rooms, Patient Rooms and Bathrooms, ICU Areas, Food preparation and contact areas, Glass and Mirrors, Computer Screens and Keyboards, Monitor Screens, Stainless Steel, High touch surfaces including hospital bed rails, over bed tables, door handles, light switches, door handles, sinks, telephones, etc. It is not recommended for use on copper, brass, granite, marble, or zinc. It should not be used on unsealed/uncoated marble or unsealed/uncoated terrazzo floors.
What does it cost to use Noroxydiff?
Depending upon the application method selected, the cost per application is comparable to that of other sporicidal disinfectants most prevalently used in a healthcare environment. Often times the cost per application will be less.